tisdag 12 april 2011

...smoke on the water...

....and rain in my hair..

trött, ur bana, värk, illamående, feber och allt annat positivt som man kan tänka sig att skiten för med sig. arg, förbannad, frustrerad, besviken och totalt ledsen. kroppen är jvla så svag men anden stark? .. god only knows where this story ends.. but i know where this story begins.. up to us to choose.. to win or lose.. and i choose to win.. to live.. men inte idag..

ms mary j blige.. plz. no more drama.

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you hear what i say?

the best part of us slowly dies if no one really believes they exist. what remains is just shadows of memories and the cold ashes of trust and beliefs.

hell isnt a pit full of demons
poking your flesh with a stick
its an endless dinnerparty with
all the people you just cant stand
and really hate.